Aqua Lingua - Water Tongue

Aqua Lingua is a fictional water language created for the project and is inspired by the metaphorical depths and linguistic overlaps of the human experience and water

Alphabet Key

Pronunciation Key

To pronounce any given letter, you pronounce the first “sound” of the associated water/human-related word that each letter of the alphabet pairs with. This is an approximate sound.

For example, the associated water/human-related word for the letter A is Aquatic. So the pronunciation for the letter A is “Awk”. Like the sound at the front of awkward or aqua. 

Then to pronounce an entire word, you put together each of the letter-representative sounds together. 

For example the word River

R - ree I - eee V -vay E - eh R - ree

Water/Human-related Words

A (Aquatic) “Awk”
B (Body) “Bah”
C (Confluence) “Con”
D (Depth) “Dep”
E (Eddy) “Eh”
F (Fluent) “Flu”
G (Great Divide) “Gray”
H (Head Waters) “Heh”
I (Irrigate) “Eee”
J (Joy) “Juh”
K (Kiss) “Key”
L (Lotic) “Low”
M (Mouth) “Mao”
N (Navigate) “Neh”
O (Open) “Ooe”
P (Pour) “Poe”
Q (Quench) “Quay”
R (River) “Ree”
S (Seek) “See”
T (Tributary) “Tree”
U (Upstream) “Uh”
V (Vapor) “Vay”
W (Wave) “Way”
X (Xeriscape) “Zee”
Y (Young) “Yuh”
Z (Zen) “Zeh”


Project Images


Music and Recorded Poetry